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Amon san streams videogames part time on twitch. He's a brony from Berlin, Germany.

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Hi I'm Amon (or Martin as they call me away from screen), a brony part time streamer from Berlin and I stream with a live2d vtuber avatar.
I have a regular 35h per week dayjob at a pharmacy which makes my schedule not as regular as it could be.
I am a cyclist with all my heart. I believe in peaceful resolution of conflicts.
In games i take longer than most people to advance because i play it safe ;-)
Games I like (but not necessarily stream) include titles such as Satisfactory, Tomb Raider, Deponia, Skyrim, Witcher 3, Sim City, Subnautica and No Man's Sky.
I listen to Metal, Rock, Pop and Classical music.

Impressum / ladungsfähige Anschrift: Amon_san c/o Autorenglü Franz-Mehring-Straße 15 01237 Dresden

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